Monday 2 August 2010

In preparation for my 10000th tweet, have been considering what to say these last few days. So many rants about what I’ve learned about running a business: the authorities, the rules, the regs, the way Britain is badly run all sprang immediately to mind. But then I looked closer to home: you guys. The world of Twitter. So on an extremely positive note, enjoy the following…

@EdinSpotlight are to blame. It’s their fault that Jack has turned into an online persona. Encouraging, helpful, and like me the Spotlight team are a new organisation trying to be different. They made me do it – Alison and Keith you’re to blame! Also props to @benrobertsphoto and @ProScotPr. But one person was instrumental in my understanding of the media: step forward Olly….

Was in Jack’s one quiet December afternoon. “Having a great burrito in @illegaljacks” said the tweet. Well, thought Jack, there’s just the young fella out front with his lass, best go and say hallo. “Are you the Unicornkid?” “Yes” “I’m Jack, thanks for the good words on Twitter” “Anytime man, love your place” went the short conversation.

Back in the office, I looked at his profile. Knowing now what I do, 5000 people had the chance for the next 7 minutes (the half life of a tweet) to read @unicornkid’s lovely words. Damn, how could that be possible? The penny dropped…… Illegal Jack’s had to become a social media company. And fast.

So I made all the mistakes newbies make. Following too many people, jumping into conversations too quickly, not knowing the etiquette. But I learned. Spent days, weeks months, just reading. @social_penguin blog, @barrydewar, @mashable, in fact, everything I could spare time to read. Immersed myself in the area. But what was the ROI I was asked recently in an MBA thesis interview from @sonicrampage?

Have no idea TBH. As a small business owner, with a full-time academic job, ROI is not something you measure. All I know is that Illegal Jack’s at any given evening has up to a third of the restaurant with the self-styled #jackaholics dining there. And what a great crowd! Twitpics, #followfridays, offers of help. Folks, am truly humbled. The restaurant now has a new look thanks to Duncan Crawford and Scot Carlson who volunteered to photoshop what we would look like, we have free wi-fi courtesy of @harrisongilmour, The Scotland on Sunday write up thanks to @tartancat, we have awesome Twitter analytics courtesy of @macfack, we have a professional online film courtesy of @kevoneil, an iPhone App on the way from @moggy (who’s wedding I attended!; * waves to @mrs_moggy *) , security if needed from @beambeam1, a clean kitchen canopy from @kitchenperfect, great photos from @CrayDancer, wild chilli reviews from @btocher, a forthcoming promotions team from @KarlieMacG, and the finest #socmed references from @philip_roberts and @craigmcgill. The list is endless, am so sorry I can’t name-check everyone here… #feelingbadaboutthatalready

But it goes beyond that. The Facebook page is growing steadily thanks to some dodgy videos of my wonderful staff , @cammeister and @chrismartindunn are two new employees courtesy of Twitter. Employing people – creating jobs from scratch with NO help from any government organisation or bank – fills me with deep pride. And the people of #edinburgh and beyond whom I’ve met are quite special. And this week, we did something few businesses do in their first year: we made a profit. We’ve taken the idea of fast casual dining, created something new, and successfully made and safeguarded 15 new jobs out of nothing. Something that GBrown, Cleggcameron and the Millisqueaks of this world have never done and will never understand.

So thanks Troops, not only for trending the word “Troops” the other day (!) but for ALL your help, support, and custom. We couldn’t have survived without you. It’s been emotional. Sincerely –

Illegal Jack